laptop with open screen, notebook with pen, coffee mug, vase with flowers on wooden table


Therapy resources without the therapy cost, designed to help you in the relationships that matter most.

What makes these courses different?

  1. We lean into your faith as a resource, and blend it with science so you get the best of both worlds!

  2. You get resources that are actionable, so you can focus on what matters (like living life as a total gift of self!)

Person watering indoor plants with a large jug

Therapy 101: Create a Care Plan for Your Overall Wellness

($29) - Downloadable Resource

We like to think of this not as a “Self-Care Plan” but our “Receive Care Plan”, where we come alongside you to help you reach and receive a comprehensive map for feeling better. Together, we’ll curate steps that address your pain and longings for relief - body, mind, heart, and soul.

  • We created this course for anyone who is:

    • Wanting to feel better but don’t know where to start

    • Feeling stretched or burned out

    • Looking for a reset button

    • Wanting to invite slow, reflection into your life

    • Are looking for fresh, holistic ideas to build a healthier, more connected lifestyle

    • Looking for a companion to augment your therapy work

  • Chapter 1: Body

    • Assessment

    • Quality Sleep

    • Fuel & Fitness

    • Physical Health

    Chapter 2: Mind

    • Assessment

    • Mental Rest

    • Stimulation & Creativity

    • Executive Functioning

    Chapter 3: Heart

    • Assessment

    • Emotional Awareness

    • Regulation & Resonance

    • Revision & Repair

    Chapter 4: Soul

    • Assessment

    • Grounded in Truth

    • Nurturing Compassion

    • Cultivating Gratitude

    • Meaning & Purpose

    • Meditation & Prayer

    • Reconnecting Spiritually

Did you know…

  • It's true! Love isn't a secret anymore. Decades of research show us that how and why relationships fail is a predictable process.

    Fortunately, the same can be true for how we repair and deepen our intimacy. Together, we can help you make sense of the pain that happens in your most important relationships so you can experience more connection, intimacy, and a deeper sense of repair and belonging.

  • Emotions get a bad rep because we often talk about them as flippant, random, even untrustworthy. But the same can be true to how we feel about: noises in the dark, sudden changes in the weather, and how we contract illness. If no one has ever explained the logic behind these changes, they simply seem illogical, foreign, and maybe even scary.

    But we now know that emotions are the body's most basic form of data communication. They make sense in context, and can be harnessed to help you live a healthier and more fulfilling life, with deeper and more secure bonds. This is where we can help!

  • Scientists call this process neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to form and change in response to learning and experience) and in our courses we help you leverage this natural process.

    Whether you're looking to regulate big emotions, stress in life, or even promote balanced physical health, secure connection plays a role.

    Feeling connected with the people we love regulates everything from our Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Metabolism. Oxygen Saturation, Levels of Sugar and Salts, Immune functioning, Wound healing, Anxiety, Depression, Stress...

    Through connection we have an innate ability to heal and change how our brains and bodies function.

Meet Your Team

Drs. Jonathan and Alexandra Marcotte are Christian therapists that specialize in working with adults and couples in repairing strained relationships and healing emotional wounds.

They have presented to audiences across the United States including couples, parents, educators, counselors, priests, parishes, and more on the integration of faith and science, and how to leverage our Attachment to God in a way that is actionable and promotes wholehearted healing and connection.

A man holding a gold monstrance with a cross design, used in Catholic worship, against a dark background.
Man in a black sweater, white collared shirt, and brown belt, standing outside near a window.
A woman with long brown hair sitting on a metal chair outdoors, wearing a light blue shirt and black pants, resting her chin on her hand and smiling.
Logo featuring a silhouette of a crucifix within a blue circle above the word "focus" in lowercase letters.
Logo of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association featuring a wreath with flowers.
Blue-toned image of the Virgin Mary with "Relevant Radio" logo including heart and cross symbol.
Seal of Divine Mercy University featuring a shield with symbols and the motto "Fides Ratio Actio."
Logo of Catholic Campus Ministry Association with a green leaf and cross design.
  • "Excellent content"

    Excellent content. Clearly knowledgeable and passionate about the topic. Your empathy is clear!

  • "Great balance between physical and spiritual"

    Very good pace going through the material that gave time to reflect and absorb the material. Great balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of the topic.

  • "The integrity was there and noted."

    Your analogies were great. I could feel/see/hear the passion you have in regards to spreading more information on intimacy. The integrity was there and noted.

  • "...amazing!"

    The ability to inform and educate was amazing! The delivery was able to get me.

  • "Good marriage prep!"

    Very well presented and helpful, especially for young couples. Good marriage prep!

  • "Wonderful"

    Wonderful presentation. Great balance of research, theology, & practical stuff.

  • "Excellent for today's lovers!"

    Thank you so much! Great insights thoughtfully distilled. Excellent for today's lovers!

Courses to help you discern God’s voice with precison, and connect wholeheartedly.