Mental Health and the Church: Moving Beyond Stigma
In recent years, the stigma around mental health has gained in popularity in the public eye. However, within the field of mental health, people have considered Christianity and mental health treatment as two separate entities, with no relationship between them.
The Impact of Complicated Grief on Mental Health
Grief is a natural, normal way to process loss in our lives. Over time, most people find ways to adjust and move forward, coping with grief in healthy ways.
What Are Attachment Styles And Why Do They Matter?
Have you ever wondered why the same issues seem to be present in all of your relationships, no matter how new or different they are? The problem may lie within your attachment style.
Is Infidelity Common? 3 Ways You Can Work Through It
Is infidelity really that common? Well, given the fact that 4 out of 10 relationships face the issue of infidelity, it's definitely worth talking about.
Keeping The Faith After Being Hurt By Your Church
Experiencing hurt within your church community can be deeply painful, leaving emotional scars that challenge one's faith. Churches, ideally places of love, support, and spiritual growth, can sometimes become places of disappointment.
How Long Will This Last? 5 Signs It Could Be Complicated Grief
Grief is a natural, expected reaction to the loss of our loved ones, significant relationships, or major life changes. For most people, grief follows a pattern that, while painful, eventually leads to healing.
EFT and How It Can Be Your Secret Weapon Against Anxiety
In the quest to combat anxiety, various therapeutic approaches have gained prominence. One such approach that has been praised for its effectiveness is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).
Find Your Spark Again: How to Repair A Sexless Marriage
A sexless marriage can be a source of significant distress for both individuals. It can erode intimacy, lead to feelings of rejection, and strain the emotional bond.
Coping with Depression as a Christian
Finding light in the darkness of our lives can sometimes feel suffocating. Depression can absorb all of our hope and joy, leaving no room for happiness.
Grief and Its Impact on Physical Well-Being and Health
Grief is a universal human experience and is a natural response to loss. It can happen after the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or a significant life change.
How to Talk To Your Partner About Your Relationship
Effective communication is key to a healthy relationship. These tips can help you create a safe space to understand each other and build a deeper, more loving bond.
Why Does Grief Come In Waves and How Can You Heal
Discover the reasons behind the waves of grief and unlock proven techniques for healing.
The Secret about Bad Communication
This is the person you love the most in the world, and yet lately you can’t carry out a normal conversation.
Low Sex Drive in Marriage
The truth is that 80% of couples experience a sexual discrepancy. In fact, desire discrepancy and low desire are two of the most common…
What is EFT?
EFT stands for Emotionally Focused Therapy, a method of couples therapy developed by Sue Johnson.